Abya Yala and the Andean worldview





epistemicide, worldview, nature, Abya Yala, Andean


The objective of this work is to understand and reflect upon Abya Yala and the Andean worldview, which underwent
a cultural development different from the Western one, interrupted by the Spanish invasion that imposed its language,
customs and god. The term Abya Yala is designated to the American continent by the Kuna people, accepted by the
organization of indigenous peoples, and carries the meaning of "Land in full maturity” or “Land of vital blood." The
worldview of these peoples was marked by the  conservation of nature, as they considered themselves part of it. This
starting point establishes a harmonious relationship between inhabitants and nature. We conclude that Andean peoples
are in a process of reconstructing the Andean worldview, valuing their tradition, language, and ancestral customs, in the
face of the imposition of a dominant Eurocentric worldview that attempted to strip away our ancestral knowledge and


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How to Cite

Carhuapoma Gamboa, A., Ayquipa Delgado, H., Peralta Gamboa, R., Velásquez Yucra, C. A., & Gutiérrez Huamaní, O. (2023). Abya Yala and the Andean worldview. Desafios, 15(1). https://doi.org/10.37711/desafios.2023.15.1.421



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