University students' perceptions of interculturality and sustainability in their academic programs
global citizenship, academic development, cultural diversity, higher education, academic training, curricular integration, interculturality, student perception, environmental responsibility, sustainabilityAbstract
Objective: To examine second-year Pedagogy students' perceptions of interculturality and sustainability in their academic programs at a public university in São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: A quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental,
and cross-sectional approach was used. The population consisted of 300 students, from which a sample of 100 was drawn. A structured questionnaire based on a 5-point Likert scale was used to collect data on students’ perceptions regarding the integration of these topics into their education. Results: Students perceive the inclusion of interculturality in the curriculum positively, highlighting its role in fostering cultural understanding and respect. Regarding sustainability,
although its presence in courses is acknowledged, perceptions of its integration were less consistent. Integrating both topics significantly enhances students' personal and academic development, as well as their understanding of global citizenship. However, areas requiring further attention were identifed, particularly in the cross-disciplinary
implementation of sustainability. Conclusions: These fndings suggest that, to maximize educational impact, a more cohesive integration of these topics into the curriculum is needed.
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